A. Having knowledge and understanding in:
- Various external and internal causes of animal disease
- Classification, morphology, life cycle, infective stage, source of infection and infective mechanism of various disease-causing agents.
- Biology of disease agents at cellular and molecular levels related to the infection mechanism of disease agents.
- Pathological changes at the cellular and systemic levels in domestic animals, wild animals and laboratory animals for research caused by external and internal factors.
- Description of clinical pathology in domestic animals, wild animals and laboratory animals for research caused by external and internal factors
- Animal immunological responses to various disease agents
- The relationship of various factors to the incidence of disease in animals
- Research and development of science and technology in the field of biopathology
B. Intellectual skills or the ability to think of:
- Integrating and evaluating data information from various scientific sources on the incidence of disease of animals.
- Planning, implementing and reporting research, especially in the field of biopathology and generally in the field of veterinary science
- Taking a holistic approach in solving the problem of disease incidence in animals
C. Practical skills for:
- Performing laboratory diagnosis (microbiology, parasitology, clinical pathology and pathology) with classical and modern methods
- Able to use laboratory equipment and laboratory animals for the diagnosis of animal diseases
- Planning and implementing experiment/research in the field of veterinary medicine
D. Managerial skills and attitudes
- Communicating effectively and professionally (written, verbal, pictorial or with information technology)
- Honest, fair, integrated and polite
- Inquisitive, innovative, dynamic and efficient
- Appreciating the originality of ideas, concepts and other inventions