Study load and Duration (length)
- The study load in the Master of Veterinary Science Study Program is set at a minimum of 40 semester credit units (SKS) and a maximum of 50 semester credit units (SKS) consisting of Compulsory Study Programs, Compulsory Interest Courses, Elective Courses, Practials, and 8 semester credit units (SKS) for
- The minimum length of study for the Master of Veterinary Science Study Program is more than 2 semesters and the maximum is 6 semesters.
- Students of the Master of Veterinary Science Study Program who fail to complete their studies within the maximum time limit specified are declared
- In special circumstances, the extension of the study period may be granted by the Dean, with a maximum length of 2 (two)
- Students are required to reside in Yogyakarta and participate in all academic activities on the UGM campus during their study period (at least 2 semesters) as full-time students.