Berikut Informasi tentang Perpanjangan Studi Program Doktor Angkatan Tahun 2011. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut untuk melakukan login ke dalam lama
Vacancy Wildlife Veterinarian
Frankfurt Zoological Society
Frankfurt Zoological Society’s goal is to work with and for people to secure biodiversity in key ecosystems worldwide as the basis for all life and the livelihoods of present and future generations. The Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) operates since 2002 with the aim to establish a self sustainable orangutan population in the Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape. The program already released some 150 orangutans.
Orangutan reintroduction in Bukit Tigapuluh follows the soft release approach, this means post release protocols are followed over an extended period of time until the released animal is deemed capable to survive without additional support. Post release monitoring includes tracking of orangutans by means of radio telemetry, post release medical checks, if necessary supportive medication and supplemental feeding of new released orangutans.
Berikut informasi tentang Pendaftaran BPPDN Dosen Gelombang 3 Tahun 2014
Berikut Informasi Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana Semester Genap 2014/2015
1. Surat No.7566/PI/Dir-Akademik/2014
2. Jadwal Kegiatan PMB Pascasarjana Semester Genap 2014/2015