by: Sari Edi
Koi herpesvirus (KHV), is a viral disease in Common Carp and Koi (Cyprinus carpio L.), a highly contagious, causing high morbidity and mortality ranging 80-100% from population. KHV outbreaks have occurred in Koi farming areas in Blitar East Java in 2002. This research to know KHV exist in koi in Blitar and Koi sizes are more susceptible infected with KHV. The research was conducted by taking samples in some districts as the center of Koi production in Blitar, among others Selopuro, Nglegok, Sanan Kulon, Kanigoro, Wlingi, Talun, Udan Awu and Ponggok. The sample size of fish taken 5-10 cm, 15-20 cm and 21 cm above. Fish were taken from each location and size of five individuals. Adapted fish obtained during the 1-3 day with ways kept in the aquarium 40 X 60 X 80 cm. Immunocytochemistry test begin with the caudal vein blood sampling, an object placed on a thin glass and reviewed, were incubated in a solution of acetone for 10 minutes, poured Normal Goat Serum and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes, then performed the procedure and stained with Streptavidin-biotin technique. Positive results of antigen-antibody reaction with Streptavidin-Biotin look goldnes brown color on erythrocytes. Moleculer test using the Polymerase Chain Reacton (PCR) was also performed for strengthening the results immunocytochemistry. The organ is taken from the gills, was extracted, amplified, and electrophoresis. KHV positive results when the band is 290 bp. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the method of immunocytochemistry and PCR examination to 120 fish samples obtained the same results, namely 113 KHV negative and 7 KHV positive. Prevalence of 13.33% occurred in district Nglegok and Wlingi, the prevalence of 6.67% occurred in the district of Sanan Kulon, Talun and Selopuro, while in district Kanigoro, Ponggok and Udan Awu KHV infection not found (prevalence 0%). Koi fish under 20 cm in size more susceptible to KHV infection. The conclusion of this research is still exist KHV in koi in Blitar with a prevalence of 5.83%.