By: Dini Wahyu Yudianingtyas (08/ 275699/ PKH/ 0367)
Rabies disease has been spread in East Indonesia. To date only two provinces in East Indonesia are free from rabies disease (Papua Province and West Papua). Rabies conventional diagnostic’s method are applied as a serial using Sellers’s staining Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT) and mouse inoculation test. Sellers’s staining has some advantages and can be apllied by B and C type laboratories, particulary at endemic areas.
However, Seller’s staining method has been questioned by international community for its accuracy as a rabies diagnostic tool. Development of molecular based technique still on continuing process using Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Aim of this study are to evaluate and describe out agreement value of Sellers staining and RT-PCR compared to FAT and optimation of one-step RT-PCR for rabies detection. Out of 130 rabies samples tested at virology and biotecnology laboratories of Disease Investigation Centre Maros. Results of Kappa showed that agreement of Sellers’s staining to FAT were 0,75–0,80 and agreement value of one-step RT-PCR to FAT were 0,86–0,89 also there was no false negative result found. These results indicated high agreements from both Sellers’s staining and one-step RT-PCR. These findings suggest that both techniques, Sellers’s staining and one-step RT-PCR could be considered as tools for rabies eradication program. Further studies are required to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the rabies diagnostic tests using the gold standard.