by: Loka Setia
Poultry traditional market is one of the source AI viruses (AIV) which is important in the incidence of AI, therefore controlling AI in the poultry market is a priority. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors in the poultry market in Yogyakarta Special Province which is associated with the occurrence of AI. Knowing the risk factors are expected to increase the effectiveness of control AI virus which focused on the source of this disease. Cross-sectional study approach were used in this study by taking oropharing swab samples from 487 birds of 90 traders. Isolation was conducted at Disease Investigation Centre (DIC) Wates Yogyakarta. The results of the questionnaire data were analyzed descriptively. Chi-square (χ2) test was used to study the association between the factors studied and the occurrence of AI whereas odd ratio (OR) test was used to measure the strength of the association with 95% confidence level. From positive results variables that provide highly significant difference (P <0.01) on the occurrence of AI in poultry market were variable origin of the poultry sold in the market with χ2 = 6,95, (OR = 0,07), poultry slaughter special place with χ2 = 6,94. (OR = 4,96), and variable of birds that are not sold with χ2 = 10,85 and OR = 3,32 for the birds that remain in the market and OR = 0,22 for birds that are brought home. Variables that provide significant were variable type of transportation used by the traders with χ2 = 8,44, and OR = 6,33 for bike, OR = 0,16 for motorcycles, and OR = 5,25 for cars; variable market location with χ2 = 4,48, (OR = 3,53); variable location of the poultry sold in the market place with χ2 = 4,05, (OR = 3,79), and variable habit to wash hands after handling poultry with χ2 = 5,4, and (OR = 4.16). Non-significant variable were related to activities of spraying disinfectant on the poultry market, the variables mixing of birds from different species in one basket and the variable related to knowledge about AI by poultry traders. Key words: avian influenza, risk factors, tradisional poultry markets, isolation of virus, traders. Supervisor: Prof. drh. Charles Rangga Tabbu,MSc, Ph.D and drh Heru Sustya MP., Ph.D.